27, Jalan Badik 17,
Taman Puteri Wangsa,
81800 Ulu Tiram,
Johor, Malaysia.
27, Jalan Badik 17,
Taman Puteri Wangsa,
81800 Ulu Tiram,
Johor, Malaysia.
MAG AR200U Mid Range Reader
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MAG_Mid_Range_Reader_AR200U_Specification.pdf (887.8 KB)MAG_Mid_Range_Reader_AR200U_Brochure.pdf (1.08 MB)
AR200U is a mid range reader typically installed at the outdoor entrance withaccess controller to restrict unauthorized access.
It reads CDS18L long range card from the car’s side windows to trigger barrier gate open.
What if you no longer get your hand wet while winding down window to flash card during rainy day ?Eliminating waiting time for power windows to come down allow car to pass through faster thus
reducing congestion during peak hours. How can you make your guard house access more
convenient within the limited budget that you have ?
Affordable and convenient at the same time
AR200U using EXRF technology can penetrate most solar film in market to offer affordable
mid range reading up to 1.2 meter without winding down windows.
User can comfortably flash their card from inside the car.
One card total solution
AR200U uses passive RFID long range card (CDS18L) and is compatible with common EM 125Khz card access to achieve 1 card total solution among parking, door and lift access for entire building. No more hassle of carrying multiple access cards.